As one of two co-founders at Temple, I have orchestrated the product team since inception through various pivots in our journey to build the most powerful all in one tool for musicians to promote their music, merch and shows.
I’ve grown the product team to 5 engineers, 1 designer & 1 PM and facilitated progression across these roles as well as scoping, prioritising and overseeing numerous projects across multiple lanes.
I delivered a range of projects, across a large spread of Mixcloud’s product, and managed various teams including backend, data, infrastructure/devops and reporting.
As part of my role I was a member of the product leadership team — helping to shape the future direction of the product and company culture. I was also heavily involved in recruitment throughout my 5 year tenure.
I was responsible for the entire technology stack of this fast growing DJ video streaming platform. This included the design, development, iteration and scaling of a platform used to broadcast over 800,000 hours of content attracting over a million comments.
Two summers interning for researchers at Uni. Southampton, Uni. Oxford and Uni. Nottingham saw me take responsibility for the design and implementation of various applications to enable their research.
My primary project, ProvStore, was a first of its kind repository that allows the storage, visualization and management of W3C provenance documents via both a web interface and REST API. Further work on smaller projects saw me using a range of other technologies and contributing to open source libraries.